Hello, just to introduce myself... my name is Yashmira and I'm a regular makeup-loving girl from South Africa (I now live in the UK). I'm a fashion buyer by profession, so I'm a bit of a fashion hoarder , but makeup is really my first love.

I test all makeup and products on myself (as well as any willing participants), so let me tell you a bit about the way I look…
I'm of Indian origin and have a particularly strange skin tone, which I am forever trying to match with the perfect foundation- you will of course hear all about this!

I have dark brown baby fine, straight hair, so a lot of my hairstyling tips will be aimed towards creating the look of bountiful (ok, maybe just a normal volume) hair looks out of barely-there hair.

I love black eyeliner and it’s my perennial look, but I am committed to exploring new looks!

My Wedding Day Makeup


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